Are you trying to find a salon? A Natural Hair Care Directory just for you!

We want to promote the Natural Hair Care Directory. Please visit  We receive calls from customers thoughout Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Washington, DC, and Virginia. We want to offer customers the opportunity to visit Na-Klectic Natural Hair Gallery and Spa. Please visit our website: ( However, if you are unable to visit Na-Klectic, the natural hair care directory will direct you to a natural hair salon and  keep you natural and beautiful as always! This is a newsletter below from Gloria Rease of  the Natural Hair Care Directory. Please review and pass along this information.

News from the Natural Hair Care Directory

Nappy News                                                                                                        
November 2010
In This Issue
Afros of the 60’s & 70’s
The Natural Hair Care Directory

Afros of the 60’s & 70’s
I am looking for Sisters and Brothers who wore Afros in the 60’s and 70’s.  I would like to talk to you about how and why you sported your ‘Fro.  If you are interested in a conversation about the times and the hair, get in touch at [email protected]. I look forward to sharing.
Nappy Links
The Natural Hair Care Directory
Baraka Enterprises
Black Natural Hair Movement

I am so excited to be a part of this movement — the return of brothers and sisters to their natural roots, literally.  Maybe it’s just me, but it seems that everyone is talking natural hair: locs, braids, twists, Sister Locks, Bantu Knots, you name it!  It seems that we are embracing the goodness of our natural tresses.  As a product of the 60’s and an aspirant of the “Angela Davis ‘Fro”, I am more than happy to see the return of natural hair.  In fact, I am ecstatic!

A return to natural hair is important for a number of reasons.  First of all, it breaks our dependency on individuals and businesses outside of our community and helps to increase the economic viability of African American businesses and communities.

Secondly, natural hair is healthier.  Chemicals and weaves on our heads is damaging to our well-being and our self-esteem.  Eventually, chemicals will permanently eat away the fragile temple hair and damages our hair follicles.  Chemical-free hair is beautiful, versatile and liberating.

So, my Sisters and Brothers, continue to move toward embracing your natural beauty, celebrate who you really are and strive for liberation from communities that do not respect us as individuals but gladly accept our hard earned money. Be set free!

Naturally yours,

The Natural Hair Care Directory 2011
Photo courtesy of Hairloks by Arlette
The Natural Hair Care Directory has been revised and is posted on our website at: Go check it out.  If you are a stylist and would like to be included in the directory, just contact me at [email protected].  If you know of a stylist, barber or salon that you feel should be included, let me know.

For this edition, we have a couple new pages:  Nappy Happenings, where you can view natural hair care events.  Hair Care Products, Skin Care Products, and Apparel are the pages for our store.  Check them all out to see if we have anything you are interested in purchasing.  There are more products and services coming, but in the meantime enjoy what we have.

I am happy to have any feedback from visitors to the website, so don’t be shy about dropping a note and letting me know how we can improve.  My desire is to make the directory worth your while.

PS:  Thanks to Hairlocks by Arlette for the stunning photo.

Revolution is a serious thing, the most serious thing about a revolutionary’s life. When one commits oneself to the struggle, it must be for a lifetime. 
Angela Davis