Natural Hair Book Recommendations




We recommend specific books for stylists, clients that are transitioning to natural, locked, or natural. It is very important to read about our natural hair history, the process of locking and/or going natural. We need to truly understand the beauty of our hair. These books can give all people of color a clear understanding our hair and the beauty of our journey.

Thank God I ‘m Natural (Na-Klectic is featured in this book): by Chris-Tia

Hair Story: Untangling the Roots of Black Hair in America (2001) by Ayana Byrd

Hairlocking: Everything You Need to Know; African Dread, and Nubian Locks by Nekhena Evans

No Lye: The African-American Woman’s Guide to Natural Hair Care by Tulani Kinard (1997)

Textured Tresses: The Ultimate Guide to Maintaining and Styling Natural Hair by Diane Da Costa

Dreadsby Francesco Mastalia

Tenderheaded: A Comb-Bending Collection of Hair Stories by Juliette Harris, Editor and Pamela Johnson, Editor (2001)

Let’s Talk Hair: Every Black Woman’s Personal Consultation for Healthy Growing Hair by Pamela Ferrell, Lurma Rackley, Editor (1996)

Plaited Glory: For Colored Girls Who’ve Considered Braids, Locks, and Twists by Lonnice Brittenum Bonner (1996)

Good Hair: For Colored Girls Who’ve Considered Weaves When the Chemicals Became Too Ruff by Lonnice Brittenum Bonner (1994)

Hair Matters: Beauty, Power, and Black Women’s Consciousness by Ingrid Banks

Nappy Journey: The Twisted Road to Natural Hair by Sharon Chappelle PHD

Basic Care for Naturally Textured Hair: Cultivating Curly, Coily, and Kinky Hair by Diane Carol Bailey, Angelo P., MD Thrower

Going Natural: How to Fall in Love with Nappy Hair by Mireille Liong-a-Kong

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